15 September 2008

Lucky Charms Burps are the WORST!

Hooray for blogging and HOORAY for the return of the Mulcocks to the world of blogging. It has been a long hiatus since NYCBros Resurrection shut down as a result of the Mulcock brothers being ripped apart by the hands of fate. Well, not really fate because I applied for this program with the purpose of getting in, but still. BUT STILL!

So here is the short and sweet update for all of you crazy kids who have taken an interest in the lives of Caitlin and/or Jeffrey Mulcock. We are in Evanston. No, not Wyoming. Illinois. I will be attending Northwestern University with the divine purpose of getting a Masters in Integrated Marketing Communications. What is that, you might be asking yourself (hopefully not aloud). Ask me in a few months because for now I can't be bothered with school as it doesn't start until Thursday the 18th (MY BIRTHDAY BIOTCHES!). For now all I can concentrate on is vacation, vacation, and more vacation...of which there will be some serious reporting in the future. I would hope after 6 weeks of not working we should have a couple of photos to share and adventures to tell.

Caitlin is here too - she chose to follow me here to Illinois. I told her that we could make some babies quicker if she let me get an education and a better job soon...so she complied willingly. She is currently looking for a job in social work to better the universe through her loving hands.

And that is that our friends. So get ready to read, love, cry and possibly vomit from any cheesiness that might be typed. Caitlin is fully prepared to participate and share her POV, thoughts, and stories. Oh, and dreams...she might just even share her dreams with you. I am going to do everything I can to maintain the awesome crudeness, sass, and partial nudity you would expect from a Mulcock blog...but I'll need all your support to get Caitlin's approval. The more you beg, the more we can break her down together. Let's go team!

I was going to try and work in Lucky Charms burps into this post, but now I have gotten too lazy...but you can imagine the awesome places that would have gone. Toodaloo!


Jana said...

I've been sitting at my computer for weeks, refreshing the NYCBros blog over and over, waiting and waiting for a new post...and it has finally paid off! I am the first comment ever on the new Mulcock blog! Suckas!!!

Jenn said...

We miss your ghetto style and loving hands. FYI - some random guy came up to me at church and asked if I was the Jenn from the story of the van ride to Philly...apparently you have shared that story w/ a few people :)

Side of Jeffrey said...

Oh, I have. Who hasn't though Jenn? That story blows minds.

Side of Jeffrey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ellen said...

Caitlin seems so sweet, but I bet she has some sinister thoughts and dreams to share...I can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Toodaloo? Wow.

Kimberly said...

Hurrah for the return of Mulcock!

Tamara said...

I can't even begin to control my excitement for this blog!! I love you both and I am looking forward to laughing my butt off.

Anonymous said...

let the partial nudity and vomiting begin! caitlin, there are some things you just can't stop.