16 April 2012

No Baby = Might As Well Party

Well. Today is Caitlin's due date and I am currently on a train going in to work. With no signs of the baby coming out, I figured I might as well get something done. All weekend we really expected a baby to show up, but it didn't. So we decided we might as well party while we wait.

Friday night Judes offered up her extreme kindness and sent Caitlin and I out on a date. So we went on one of our longest dates since we had Max. We took the train downtown to the Slurping Turtle, a newer noodle house in the city. We had fried brussel sprouts, duck fat fried chicken in soy, Japanese potato fritters, the above mushroom noodle bowl, a raspberry wasabi macaroon and a coconut cream puff. It was fantastic. Then we walked around downtown, got some Garrett's popcorn, and talked until contractions sent us home. That night Caitlin had a false start on labor, so we thought Saturday would be the day. Nope.

Sunday we went for a picnic at the Botanical Gardens. Max and monkey chose our table.

Max learned about how flowers can smell wicked delicious.

He also became the poster boy for all cuteness. Um, whoa. Adorable.

Max loves flowers right now. If you ask him what are his favorite, he will always say choolips and daffodils. The gardens blew his mind.

And monkey's mind too.

Max was on fire yesterday with silly faces, excitement and just overall cuteness. Ties on a two year old will do that.

The flowers were pretty amazing.

As was this belly! Caitlin...only hours before her due date and still kickin it live.



Wow dada! Look at that hill over there! I want to play on it!

Silly boy was amped to play in the grass on the hill. And pull my tie.

One last family pic before we add another person to it.

Max saw some kids rolling down the hill and he really wanted to do it too. It took some figuring out at first.

Wait, I gotta lay down to roll?

But then he started to get it, and the cuteness just exploded from there.

Taking a break after climbing and rolling a few times.

This picture kills me.

As does this one.

Tickle tickle tickle dada!

Oh yeah Max? Two can play at that game...

Group rolling.

You will never escape my tickle grasp!

But he did, and it was time to head home and get a nap in. I mean, who doesn't want that Sunday nap?


Brittany said...

Max really is so darling... Killing me with his cuteness too. You guys make the cutest babies, I can't wait to meet your next little man.
Get out of that belly already baby #2!

Bek said...

coolest suit ever, max. you so fly!

Side of Jeffrey said...

Max misses you gals Britt and Bek. Thanks for being some of his biggest fans!