16 December 2009
Old People Can Graduate Too
This is my graduation post. But I need to clarify something. You might think during this post, "wow - Jeff's photos have really gone up a notch on this post. Did he borrow someone's camera?" The answer is no, I did not. Caitlin and I bought a Nikon D90 camera and these are some of the first photos taken with it. I have not read the manual yet (of which I am ashamed), but we will learn and get better and better.
We started everything off by cleaning the whole house and preparing it with Christmas cheer for my parents to arrive. We have a REAL Christmas tree this year because we'll be spending Christmas in our apartment!
The parents did indeed arrive, and look how psyched they were! Actually, that response was in reference to the 4,000 pictures I started taking of them. Why do people not embrace the camera?
My dad was instantly given a project to work on - we like him to feel valued. Caitlin and I wanted to put up a chandelier in our entryway, so Big D got busy trying to figure out how he could make it work without altering anything since we rent.
Now Caitlin doesn't really love this picture, but there is a reason we have to post it. See Big D in the background working? Well, at this exact moment while I was taking this picture, Big D got electrocuted! He suddenly screamed and reached to grab the chandelier before it hit the ground.
Fortunately it bounced of his face, leaving its mark.

To reward him for his sacrifice, we allowed Big D to pull from the advent calendar in place of Caitlin. It was a reward he gladly received.
Then it was graduation time! I was asked by my fellow students to be the student speaker at our graduation. I wanted to integrate the students' thoughts into my speech, so emailed them in advance and asked them to recommend words they wanted me to integrate into my speech. I received about 40 words or phrases, but randomly selected: Man Uggs, Smexy, I'll Tweet That, Pickle and Liripoop. I successfully integrated those words in with much cheering and laughter. It was also streamed online live, with comments that included, "I felt like I was watching my brother in General Conference."
As proof, here is me getting my diploma. I really did graduate, I promise.
In addition to graduating - there were awards! I had no idea there would be awards! My boy Ed - one of my favorite professors - hooked me up with a phat award. I believe it was some sort of awesomeness award. I can't confirm that.
My woman was there to support me, along with my boy Max. He was nice enough to not come out on graduation day so I could give my speech. Good boy.
I was smart enough to wear my super awesome Northwestern kicks to graduation. They have purple laces, its how I show my love.
Later, Ed, me and Pamsky kicked it in the lobby. Pamsky was nice enough to wear purple so we could all match.
DWo was PSYCHED to graduate. His sister (right behind him) was not as psyched, but I think she was keeping it inside. Maybe my speech was too boring.
Pamsky - truly radiating with pride for her son.
Patrick and dad celebration explosion.
Ally and Caitlin bond. If you look hard, you can see Max trying to reach up and swat at the flowers.
Alex lookin' swanky.
The Mulcocks and the Wortley's - an unstoppable team of awesomeness. We will miss them at a level that is not safe or recommended, but they must leave us to go to Minneapolis.
The precious family. It really was a super time.
Pamsky thought it was wrong that I didn't have any Northwestern paraphernalia to wear, so she required that we go look at sweaters. When Pamsky looks at school sweaters, she does so with a critical eye. Look at that critical eye she is using in this photo.
Caitlin, less critical in her eyes.
Me - sexy smooth in a Northwestern sweater.
I just really like this picture - Pamsky and Caitlin walking off in the cold Chicago winter.
Back at the pad, Big D puts the final touches on our chandelier. You can tell that I did a whole lot on this project. I did got to Home Depot for like 2 hours, so I consider that a massive sacrifice.
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I wish I could have seen your speech, or been at your graduation to support you. I'm glad you had so many people there showing you the love.
Has anyone told you that your chandelier looks like the ones over Pizza Hut tables from the '80s? Awesome.
Love the results I see from the use of the new camera! These are some fantastic pics and it makes me want a good camera now. I love the one of dad resting after his hard labors... so great. I do wish I could have been there, but how excellent it was that I was able to watch your graduation online!
Of course you were class speaker. You are awesome---had I known this I would have requested "smashin all Suckas!" to be incorporated. Maybe next time....
I graduated from the IMC program in 2002. I am also a big fan of Ed Malthouse. I have been following your blog for some time now - not really sure how I stumbled upon it. I am also LDS, graduated from BYU in 1999. Let me know if you have any interest in networking. It can be difficult out there. What was your emphasis? Any job prospects?
Jacob Farrar
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