06 February 2010

To The Annoying Chick in Back

Hey US Airways flight 343 stewardess,

Are you daft? Do you not realize that on a 7am flight from Chicago to Phoenix some of us might be extremely, crazy tired? Particularly do you not realize that as we are desperately trying to rock an angry baby to sleep who hasn't slept since 8pm the night before that your ridiculously annoying cackle laughter every 5 seconds for the four hour trip might be a little annoying? Each sound you make is a piercing stab wound to my heart, mind and soul.

Would I like something to drink? No, but I certainly would love to buy you a tall frothy glass of shut the hell up.

There, I said it.

Passenger in the back row


Jenna{Mommy in Manhattan} said...

oh No! I'm so sorry the flight was horrible! Poor Max! Poor you guys! I hope you are sleeping now that you have some help!

Ellen said...

Traveling with kids is such a crazy experience. Delays in flights, noise on the plane, someone putting their seat back, etc, suddenly become major catastrophes. Some people have the attitude that families with young kids shouldn't travel, thus they deserve no help or sympathy. Which is always fun.
I'm so sorry!

Frew said...


If you're in Eastern Idaho at all this trip, give me a buzz - Frewbies

Bek said...

next time, just make stinky farts. that will stop her laughing and even get her to cup her hands over her mouth and nose. it works every time.