Seriously, what "visitors to Fort Lauderdale" post could begin without a mandatory trip to Dona Raquel to eat Mexican food goodness? It is essential when new people come to town...because it is just so darn delicious. There were tacos and burritos and quesadillas to the extreme like Vanilla Ice.

Devin went burrito and was mad satisfied.

Me? I went classic tacos. I love the garnishing of this plate, with cucumber and these mild onions to eat when switching between meat. Now that is classy stuff. My al pastor and chorizo tacos hit the spot as they always do.

It was another successful trip, and gentle on our pocket books as well. We had to limit spending because a major trip was on its way in just a few days. I was glad that Shell and Devin were able to come on Wednesday (the same day Caitlin took Max out to Idaho) so that I wasn't alone. We had a blast and mostly just tried to emotionally prepare for what was about to become of us.

One way that we passed the time on a budget was by playing Balance Ball Wars. Caitlin used to play this with her roommates back in the day and man is it good times. The game? Simple...just balance as long as you can on the ball. No feet or body part can touch the ground nor your arms on the ball. Devin was relatively successful for his first few attempts.

Until he freakin' ate it big and tumbled to the ground. That is the way it is with Balance Ball Wars...you have to face the inevitable pain that will come with losing your balance.

I am well acquainted with this pain and it was normal for me to go rump first into the couch. At least we have carpet now. Hard wood floors really upped the danger level of this game back in NYC.

But Shell was the ultimate winner. She was able to balance for 3 minutes and 57 seconds while I was only able to maintain for 2 and 55. Devin was a close third with 2 and 48.

After a while we took it to the next level by going stomach balance only. This is infinitely more difficult to do and much more dangerous as you risk facial rug burns. Beeps squoze her abs for dear life.

I wish that I were making these faces on purpose, but that is how my face looks when I'm concentrating so hard. Its like I'm trying to squeeze out a big poop but am only slamming into roadblocks.

And, as mentioned, the face plant. I was the ultimate winner on stomach with a less impressive 7 seconds.

Later on Friday Stephen flew in and we headed out to Sky Line Chili. Who knew that a place like this could ever become a real chain? The concept? Take cheap spaghetti noodles and then put chili on top of them. But its real, and its here in Fort Lauderdale.

Proud of his heart stopping pile, Devin spares a smile. Devin knows all about this from Kentucky where chains like Sky Line are plentiful.

Me's enjoyed my bucket of cheese as well - it went straight to the gut and has remained there to this very day.

The next day we went to South Beach. Now, you may not know this, but Devin is a real artist when it comes to photography. Not only did he capture this amazing beach scene with gorgeous water and two brothers playing Pro Kadima on the beach - but he got some topless boobies in the picture. Luckily, I was able to edit them out. Pervert Devin. How dare you?
Shell always looks good, so we won't even go there. Also, she wants peace (presumably in the Middle East...but possibly anywhere).

And we got ourselves some delicious pizza at Espris on Lincoln Road and did some last minute shopping at Penguin. I got Max a cute t-shirt on sale - I was already missing that kid so much after only a few days.

The next morning we were exhausted from all our partying. We needed a vacation. Yes, a vacation from our partying. So we decided to take a cruise. Everyone had flown in and we were ready to rumble. Pam was there. Dave was there. Mike was there. Caitlin was back. The only person we were missing was Bree who is newly engaged to Mike but not in time to include on the trip. She was missed.

Before we could leave, Devin had to give Shell an anniversary gift for their 7 year. Apparently copper is the gift for that year, so she got this cool copper vase made in Mexico. That wasn't the only gift - he later gave her a necklace from Tiffany's on the boat...but I don't have pictures f that. The Mulcock women are spoiled.

And finally we were there! Our transportation came on time and before I knew it we were boarding our ship!!! This was a first time cruise for everyone in the family, so we had no idea what to expect.

You can see the excitement, fear and joy in Beeps' eyes, can't you.

Bye bye Miami...more on what would await our family as we hit open waters.
i'm kinda miffed that you edited the boobs out. why else would i read your blog if not for chance encounters with breasts?
I don't know how to respond to that comment without getting in trouble. Any suggestions?
After all the naughtiness on the cruise by the all of the boys, you probably should let the comment just pass.
I don't think there is a way to not get boobies in a pic when you're at South Beach, everytime we go, the seem to be everywhere. Also, where can we get those spag noodles with chili and cheese? That is Owen's DREAM MEAL. Really though.
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