Later we went to Red Mango and Brady told us about how someone he knows started Red Mango in Korea. Did you know Red Mango existed before Pinkberry? I did not - I assumed the opposite. Apparently, one of the Red Mango people wanted to expand to the US and the others didn't, so they changed the name and took the formula to Los Angeles and started Pinkberry. Crazy, right? Brady has mad connections in Asia it would seem.
Later - ticket to ride. Then bed time...we are all lame, okay?
New England!
Hawaii - I'm in ecstasy!
Even Australia! Okay, they don't have time shares there...but they had a poster of it. We were able to escape their greedy claws in only 1 1/2 hours and walked away with our trip. Now we just have to go through the 20 hoops to claim our prize. Where most people give up and stop trying, we will succeed and claim the prize! Just you wait.
For dinner we went to Flat Top. Flat Top is like a Mongolian BBQ - but with more sauces, more meats, and more choices. Also - it is BUFFET!
This was my first plate - I included peanut sauce and coconut curry together to create a masterful concoction of joy!

The crew joined us for the goodness. Don't worry - Jason wasn't rockin' stag. Lauren was there, but did not jump into frame when requested. Its cool though, Jason can rock it portrait style when necessary.
Then I went and played some Halo 3 while Caitlin talked to women about babies, naming babies, raising babies, and other girl stuff. I shot people in a dark room. A nice ending to a wicked good day. OH - and I forgot! I had a 64oz Mountain Dew! Man, Saturday treated me right.
Hey, why was Caitlin talking about babies? Hmmm? You can't tell, but my voice has an insinuating tone.
I only insinuate that women like to talk about babies when the men are playing Halo 3. I imply nothing else with said statement.
We were talking babies because two of the five women I was with are pregnant with their first kiddo. Plus I'm obsessed with thinking about names of our future children. You should ask Jeff about his new amazing name for a future son. Almost as good as his other names- Wooster and Buhl.
He knows Buhl is a city in Idaho right? lol I ever! It was the inspiration! But it is pronounced Boool when referring to my future son.
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