30 June 2010

I'll Have More of the Marsala Please

Father's Day. What an awesome holiday? I used to think it was kind of boring (because no one celebrated me). But now, it's wicked awesome. For example, I get presents. It's like I have TWO birthdays! When I woke up on Father's Day, I found the following on our living room rug:Happy Father's Day in presents! Now before you go judging Caitlin for over doing it and spending thousands of dollars on me, note that many of these gifts were low cost but equally tender gifts. For example - A Mountain Dew for my drive to church, bag of PB M&Ms, new crazy socks, a frame with multiple pictures of Max in it. I also got a t-shirt that said, "Just Because I'm the DJ Doesn't Mean I Can't Dance" which you may recognize as my 2010 motto.
Max wanted to give me gift "F" for father. He was a little hesitant to give it to me at first, but finally caved.
Thanks dude.
A matching shirt for Max!!! Hooray for twinners! It was a precious day to be a dad, I must say. Caitlin wanted to make me any meal of my choice, so I told her I wanted chicken masala. She made the following:
Weird. That appears to be...yep, it is. Chicken marsala. Apparently my pronunciation blows. She was a little confused when I asked for curry spiced kale with chickpeas and naan as sides.
But let's be honest - it was scrumptious. Thanks woman.


Sparklebot said...

Why is the "F" present in the group photo wrapped in pink paper, but the "F" present Max holds is in green paper--and the F's look totally different? Confusing!

Side of Jeffrey said...

Good point Sparklebot...that is actually the "y" from "day"...I mistakenly wrote F from father. Max saved the best for last.

Sparklebot said...

Mystery solved!

That y looks so much like an f, I can understand how that happened.

I have to go pack now. I took a percocet, so I can do pretty much anything.