02 June 2010

Hey Idiot.

I can't tell you what's wrong with me. All I can say is that I'm acting like an effing idiot this week (I had to write that with some harshness). Need an example?

Today at work I realized that I didn't have my keys in my pocket. Weird...they are always in my pocket. I checked my bag - nope, not there. COULD I HAVE LEFT THEM LOCKED IN MY CAR? Oh I wish that were all I had done. No, I was even stupider than that.

I ran outside to find my keys in the ignition. Ah man...but then I tried the doors and they were unlocked. What? I never leave my car unlocked. As I grabbed my keys the construction guy nearby said, "Hey - is that your car?"

I responded in the affirmative.


What The Frizzoodles?

Yeah, I left my car door open, keys in the car, and the car ON. What is wrong with me? I know I have a very stressful meeting tomorrow, but come on.

(Let's not mention that Caitlin and I left the car door wide open with my laptop and iPod sitting on the front seat at the mall last week for a few hours. Somebody kick my groin please.)


Heather said...

Jeff--If it makes you feel better, last week I left EAC without Ella (I left her at the child care) and then a few hours later I walked out of Jewel without paying for my food. I just walked right past the checkout and out the door and didn't realize it until I was in the parking lot. I feel your pain.

Liz Jessop Wortley said...

HAHA! That is funny and does make my OCD look less stupid :) I guess you and Heather are proof that a baby makes you forget unimportant things ... like turning off your car or paying for groceries. Who needs a car and groceries, anyway? j/k

Sparklebot said...

Wow. That is . . . wow.

smith fam said...

I had a similar experience the other day at the grocery store...left the car door open with my check book on the seat while I was in the store for an hour. I have a theory. If you leave your stuff in plain sight for people to steal, they leave it alone. If you lock your doors and take your keys/stuff with you, your stuff will get stolen. I miss the days where I felt together, organized, and competent.

Side of Jeffrey said...

Thanks for the comfort Heather and Nats/Smitty - Now I feel less tardo for my ridiculous behavior.

Lindy & Trever said...

Oh man! I need to start following you around so that I can snatch a iPod, laptop or maybe your car. Hope the meeting went well.

nensaburger said...

Dude you need to stop being awful at life

Bek said...

i will gladly kick you in the crotch.