As much as she tried to escape......she could not escape the first day of work picture! Dressed up from her night-before shopping spree, she was ready for her first day on the job. I would like to point out one thing that is most awesome about her job so far: her boss. Why is her boss awesome? Because she likes horror movies and Halloween AT LEAST as much as I do, if not more. She requires everyone to come to a huge H'ween party each year and punishes them if they don't come in costume by forcing them to wear white pants with yellow stains on the front, and brown stains on the back. Epic. I love it.
You know why else her boss is awesome? Well, that night I went into the bathroom and I swore I saw human fecal matter on the floor:But I was incorrect. Her boss had given her the following fake poo:
Appears wet and real, right? I thought so. Don't worry...her boss also gave us a roll of toilet paper to clean it up:
Did I mention her boss is also the owner and director of the place? Oh man. This is only going to lead to amazing places.
This is truly a match made in heaven. I'm so glad it worked out!
Don't get your hopes up. Does ANYONE like Halloween and horror movies more than you do? That is a real statement.
You don't find this fishy at all?
if fishy is a synonym for radical, than yes.
you should have seen the face avery pulled when she saw the picture of the fake poo. well, actually the face she pulled AFTER I explained to her that it was fake poo and not a frog like she thought.
Hey! That looks like my bathroom floor (sometimes). That is great that your boss is so much fun, Caitlin.
Cats, Congrats on the new job and equally important congrats on the productive shopping spree the night before. I love you cloths!
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