So a while back I got a great idea. I should start a new blog about my thoughts on the mysterious world that is the public bathroom. I had told Caitlin for years that every time I go to the bathroom, I want to blog about something I observed there. Crazy crap happens in the bathroom that really doesn't get talked about. There are different etiquette rules and people completely change their behavior. Caitlin wasn't super psyched about me putting that stuff on our family blog, so I figured I'd have to start a new one.
BUT, upon searching the internet, turns out there is already one out there and it has only been going for a month or so! Grr! At first I was disappointed, but then I started reading and found that it was taking my idea to a whole new level and included multiple writers and different viewpoints (they even have a woman!). I started laughing at about everything I read. Yes, my secret shame is that I'm hooked into reading a blog about poo. But don't blame me, this stuff is hilarious! So I added them to our side bar and read with regularity.
he blog is He Shat, She Shat (click for link). I think my favorite post is the one where the author (Doogan Howser MD) tries to figure out why people like the smell of their own farts and not others and captures that thought in a ven diagram. Genius! Read it here!
Weird, but cool.
Wait a minute...when I wrote about bathrooms on my blog He Shat, She Shat commented on it!
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