25 March 2010

Are You From China???

Last Sunday we had a special guest over to cook us dinner. Our friend Chunqing went to church with us and then came over to provide a home-cooked Chinese meal. We had not had the pleasure of having Chunqing cook for us, so we were pretty stoked - PLUS we didn't have to cook anything ourselves. Bonus!
Chunqing quickly got to making dinner. We had a really awesome chicken that included a bottle of Pepsi. It also included pretty much all of the following sauces:Yep - Chunqing is the real deal. She's not one of those fake Chinese girls who pretends she's Chinese but really just comes from Connecticut (Christine). And we found out her skills are legit.A vegetable and noodle dish. Delish dish!
Well seasoned tofu and then the chicken of which I spoke earlier. I have to be honest, it was really good. I loved the chicken and Caitlin loved the tofu. In exchange for this meal we let Chunqing play with precious Max. Isn't that all anyone wants in life? Thanks for the great meal!


Chunqing said...

Hey I am so glad that I made the news haha! Trade cooking with play hour with Max is totally worth it. And I feel he could taste the Chinese food later and likes me more:)
Chunqing from Minneapolis

Side of Jeffrey said...

Holla back at ya Minneapolis!

SweetAbbs said...

Tell Caitlin that Sarah and Dave Fleming are in my ward. (It really does relate to China) They were in China when she was there. Does she remember them?

Michelle said...

That meal looks excellent. What a great friend you have!