01 October 2009

Its Time...

I'm freaking out. Its October 1st...which officially starts horror movie watching season. I honestly cannot believe it is finally here. I am fully determined to get some good horror movie watching in this year, even if it means I have to watch them alone. I have only seen two horror movies in 2009 so far (they were humdingers though - I highly recommend them both: The Strangers and Drag Me To Hell).

So I am going to correct this problem. I think I'll start tonight. Some movies I really want to see are The Descent, Scare Zone, some movie my friend Jason mentioned that sounds amazing. I also need to bring in some classics and maybe a solid foreign horror. I have one from China that is supposed to be super rad.

Heaven. Are they any good ones coming out? Has anyone seen any good ones?


Tai said...

As for a foreign movie, try "Let the Right One In". It's a Swedish film and I don't know if it's what I would call a horror movie, but it is creepy and scary. I freaked Kersten out the other night by referring to it.

Side of Jeffrey said...

I shall add it to my netflix and do the due diligence on researching it. Thanks for the suggestion.