28 July 2009

Jump Start The Economy

So in an effort to get the economy going before I graduate in December, I am encouraging everyone to just buy lots of stuff. So far, everyone is helping.

Stephen bought in to an apartment in Brooklyn (and when I say bought in, I mean he is subletting it when his current lease runs out). This is awesome.

Michelle and Devin bought a 2006 Honda Accord yesterday at a dealer. It sounds like a mega rad car and it even has the butt warmer seats for the winter (I BBQ's my A!!!)

Caitlin and I went and bought new cell phones tonight because mine broke and hers was ready for an upgrade. We got some wicked new LG's and we are already loving them. To anyone who texted me in the last week or left a voicemail - I'm sorry. I didn't get any of them until tonight.

What are you buying to help the economy out?

P.S. We also bought a visit to the doctors to hear Poppy's heart beat. The doctor had trouble finding him and said (and I quote): "He must be a boy because he is a little rascal trying to hide from me." I rest my case. This is a medical doctor people. My fetus Poppy is a boy. Bings.


Pamsky said...

I am trying to do my part. Does the purchase of a pair of Dansko shoes for work count as helping the economy out?
I love that Shell and Devin's new car has a seat heater. Who wants their behind to be cold?

Jeffrey said...

I bought a new tooth

Pamsky said...

Which one? Did you lose one or did you just get tired of your old one?