27 July 2010

Life Goes On Even When I Get Really Old

Just got back from 5 days at Scout Camp. There are some things that are totally new to Scout Camp and things that just never change. Here's a list:

- Staying up way later than you should
- Waking up way before you want to
- Disgusting mess hall food that barely qualifies as sustenance
- Older kids bully younger kids
- Younger kids bully even younger kids
- Mosquitoes that suck, literally
- Extremely lame camp songs, including that one about the sharks and swimming away from the sharks
- Merit badges, including the basketry kit and leather making kit
- Boondoggle key chains (I can't believe this is still happening)
- Trading Post where you buy tons of soda and candy to make up for the crappy food
- Flag ceremonies
- Communal showers that no one uses, so everyone stinks

- People asking me how old I am
- Having to tell bullies to stop it and being authoritative
- Taking kids to hospital when they get hurt (twice)
- Pretending to like the weird songs and activities in order to encourage youth to go to them
- Herding kids from merit badge to merit badge
- Being the jerk that wakes you up at 6am for breakfast
- Nicer tents and cots to sleep on
- Wishing you had cell phone service

It was a good week, but very stressful and exhausting. I don't know if I could have made it the entire week. 12 kids, at least half only 12 years old. I need a vacation from that vacation.


Bilaeva said...

I had to do young women's camp as a leader a couple of times just before moved to NYC. But I was only 24, so the youth didn't really see me as an adult and wouldn't take orders from me and the other leaders sometimes forgot I wasn't one of the youth and tried to boss me around.

Fran said...

this is the calling where you go straight to heaven... no need to stop and collect your $200. STRAIGHT TO HEAVEN !!! :)