16 August 2010

Dat Breeze - Delicious

Yo Hawaii. You best take a nap before tonight because as soon as I get my burned booty off your bee-atch, I'm going out to PARTY LIKE A ROCK STAR, PARTY LIKE A ROCK STAR!

P.S. - I'm bringin' my mo-freaky homies wit me. You got friends for them?


Jay Moo

P to the S.S. - if you want to know how I would read the above letter to Hawaii, click the video below.


Side of Jeffrey said...

I just asked Caitlin if she would be more or less proud of me after she saw this post, and she said less proud. SAY WHAT?

Jenna{Mommy in Manhattan} said...

You Mulcocks have fun in Hawaii! Can't wait for your trip to the NYC.

Jeff...very funny video. :)

Caitlin...your hair looks beautiful in the pic below at the botanics. Why are you so hot??

Liz Jessop Wortley said...

I really want to leave a comment, but I have no words to say to this. All I can do is LAUGH. HAHAHA! Enjoy your homies and hope ya'll are partying like rock stars.

ps - I agree with Jenna. Caitlin is looking HOT in that pic from the gardens (this is Liz even though it says Liz and Don).

Southwick Family said...

j to the ealous.