18 August 2009

The Full Poppy

Welcome everyone. I would like to introduce you to Poppy. Caitlin and I went in for the ultrasound a bit ago, and this is who they introduced us to:Pop dog. So precious. There is the precious little baby head.
And look! Precious little baby hand! Four fingers...we hope there is a thumb in there somewhere. I think that black circle down on the right is the stomach.More Poppy profile pictures. Do you think Poppy has my terrible nose?
And who can resist precious baby feeties? Fetus feeties really.Did you know the spine is fully developed at 20 weeks? Look at it! A spine of beauty! Hopefully Poppy doesn't take after his/her parents and have a totally jacked up spine by age 20.
This is what the doctor called the "Halloween shot." I think Poppy knows how much I like horror movies, so my child gave me a freaky skeleton face shot. Thanks child of mine. And finally, the moment we all were waiting for: Me thinks I see a penis. Yes I do. Just so we wouldn't miss it, the doctor made sure to draw an arrow and right "boy." As if I would miss that manhood. That's my boy! Only one problem - now we have to stop calling Poppy Poppy. We are in mega baby boy naming mode here and could use all of your suggestions.
Thanks Popp...I mean, baby for giving us the full frontal! I would expect nothing less from a Mulcock boy on camera.


Nicole said...

I think Poppy is making that "horror face" because he knows you just posted images of his genitals on the internet, complete with a post label of "Penis":)

Congratulations to you and Caitlin -- you guys will be great parents. As for names, I think you need to provide some guidelines. Like maybe list a bunch of names that make you want to vomit and a few you sort of like. We named our third baby something totally different based on someone else's suggestion, so you really may find something you love this way.

Congrats again!

Jonathan and Carley said...

Yeah! My nephew is soo cute already! I cant wait to meet him. As for names, I think all of my suggestions are much too boring or normal:)for you! I do think Dugas Mulcock sounds pretty good! JK Caitlin!

Michelle said...

I love the little smurf! I have decided that as I come across a name that sounds like a good possibility, I am going to put it on a master list and will reveal my list to you in approximately October.

Chunqing said...

Hey can you use the coming Poppy or Popp to create your new "terrible movie?" It will be so awesome! Can not to see the baby and thanks for being my first "expensive friend!"

Pamsky said...

I feel quite good about the last name we discussed. Quinton just has a nice ring to it. Where is the heart photo? You have to love seeing the four chambers working at about 150 beats a minute.

Side of Jeffrey said...

they did not give us a heart photo, remember?

Pamsky said...

I only saw it live, not the photos.

Amber said...

Some boy names I like: Booth, Cormac, and I like Quinton also. That was on our list when we had Tyson. I'll keep thinking though...
The little guy sure gave you some great photos. So exciting!

Jenn said...

YEAH! CONGRATS! I fear for America when this boy is let loose out of the womb...but I could not be happier for you guys! I think you should name him D. Sanchez. After his father. xoxo

Sparklebot said...

I have the most awesome boy names ever, but I cannot reveal them to you because then you would steal them. Sorry.

Ally said...

OMG~!!! Jeff, those pics of poppy are all soooo precious! and that halloween face absolutely shows that this's your sonnnn~ congrats!!!

Jenna Theobald Broadbent said...

Yay! Congrats you guys! Here's a tip on fetus names. Go with something that doesn't sound at all like a baby. Like "Glen" or "Chester". And then it makes you feel weird that you're carrying a full sized 43 year old man with a mustache in your womb.


Amber Henrie said...

Sally, Hil and I are all together this weekend in the city thinking of both of you! We're so excited for you and CAN"T WAIT to see him soon. MISS you like crazy!