Jenna (and the previously mentioned preciousness), Liz, and Heather demonstrate the delicious meal that would result.
Lauren and Jason also partook of the goodness.
As did Don and Chris. You can see how big our place is - barely more than 2-3 people per room.
Dennis and I (with the tweakers, I am aware) loved the Cafe Rio. But at the forefront of all our minds was the MarioKart opportunities.
While Jason was excited about MarioKart, he was potentially more excited about the humongous ears that Caitlin and I bought at the $1 store that day. I can understand that.
But eventually the wii goodness began. We played MarioKart for several hours. The gaming was so intense and the cursing so fowl, that we couldn't really take video or pictures. Let's just say that I got beat by a girl. How terrible is that? So in my shame, I finally suggested we play some tennis. Prepare yourself for some special needs faces - people make awesome faces when they play wii tennis.
Heather and Chris were pretty fierce competitors - taking on Don and Liz in all their wrath and madness.Don and Liz tried so hard to compete...But in the end, they just fought about who was the missing link in that tennis pair. I think they both played was just Chris and Heather's amazingness. In the end, Lauren and Jason ruled us all with the regimented and fine tuned play. We could not compete.Around 12:30 we called it a night. That is really late for married folk in Evanston, Illinois - trust me. I was proud that our wii-ness was such a hot item that night. I expect many more of these nights in the future...hopefully bringing many to our home.
You know Heather and Chris? I didn't know they were in Evanston. I also didn't know there were Cafe Rio's in Chicago. I learn so much from your blog.
They are in Evanston indeed. Chris and I have followed each other for years now. We were in many of the same classes at BYU. We graduated the same time. We both lived in NYC the entire time, worked in the temple briefly together. When they moved into our ward, I figured it was time to figure out who he is. Answer - a cool dude.
Cafe Rio is made at is the key. Recipes abound online.
Hey! We have Wii too- we should join up for a wi-fi game from our respective households! Or meet up, have dinner and play mario kart all night long!
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