08 April 2010

Cold Maxin' and Relaxin'

Who is the thug with the masta plan? Its M A X with da mo freaky Bumbo.
Seriously, put a soda in that kids hand and he's straight up chillin' to the core.


Sparklebot said...

I sort of want a chair that totally holds up all my parts like that.

Jay and Kay said...

Wow... he's growing up so fast. I know everyone says that, but he really seems so grown up in his chair. Love the Bumbos:) And he is such a cutie! He needs to come visit his good friend in Cali (once we get back).

Pamsky said...

In the second photo, he looks like he is seriously into cartoons or something. I was going to say, don't let our boy turn into a couch potato, but I guess that would be a bumbo potato.

Michelle said...

He is getting so big! He is so presh in his bumbo.

Bek said...

he's the illest. looks like a true thug4life.